HerMoney Workshop
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Holly Fearing - Filene Research Institute
Kelly Hultgren - HerMoney Media, Inc.
Melisa Schilling - HerMoney Media, Inc.
Kelly Hultgren - HerMoney Media, Inc.
Melisa Schilling - HerMoney Media, Inc.

Together we will discuss lessons learned from the team that did it best. Jean Chatzky’s HerMoney team cracked the code of how to meet consumers where they are with the financial literacy content they want.
HerMoney successfully grew an audience of more than 550,000 followers on social media, more than 250,000 podcast listens per month, more than 2M visitors on their website annually, and 100,000+ newsletter subscribers. How did they do it? What worked best in what channel? What was the winning content strategy? All will be revealed.
Session Type