Consumer Financial Wellness Panel
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Josh Sledge David Klavitter Donna Siejutt Tansley Stearns

As credit unions continue to transform the way people experience financial services and the communities they are part of, defining and quantifying well-being has become increasingly strategically important. The factors contributing to well-being are often subjective and harder to quantify. What may feel like a satisfactory condition for some may not adequate for others. Quantifying it provides specific opportunities for individuals, local governments, and organizations, such as credit unions, that are committed to a social cause tied to purpose. 

Filene Research Institute has created and validated a well-being model and methodology for measuring well-being at the intersection of health, prosperity (financial well-being), and social ties. Observing and measuring well-being across the different communities that credit unions serve will yield valuable information that can be used to:

  • Identify concrete ways credit unions track, benchmark, and improve members well-being;   
  • Measure the organization’s social and community impact;
  • Inform executive team decision-making and guide strategic direction; and 
  • Accelerate the organization’s growth.

Hear directly from your peers on the lessons learned and successes found from implementing a consumer financial wellness initiative at their credit unions.

Session Type