Day Away - Taste of Innovation, Collaboration, and Inclusion: Lessons from Craft Beer
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 1:45 PM - 4:30 PM

Craft beer has long been compared to credit unions, both existing in the shadows of the macro players in their highly regulated industries and both filling a need for a consumer segment seeking more from the businesses they choose.

There are many lessons that credit unions can adapt and apply right now from craft beer’s successful advancements in inclusion, innovation and collaboration.

How have they done it, and more importantly, what does that taste like? This day-away experience will answer both as we visit the craft breweries who’ve centered inclusion, innovation and collaboration in their business strategies all while growing market share without sacrificing a drop of flavor.

Please Note:

  • Attendees must be 21+ to join us on this Day Away.
  • This Day Away has an extended end time of 4:30 p.m. MDT. 
Session Type
Experiential Breakout